Advertising Sales Manager

Open Role: Advertising Sales Manager

What is the key purpose of an Advertising Sales Manager?

Gage.News Ads is dedicated to driving measurable outcomes for brand advertisers, and agencies. With a range of flexible pricing solutions help businesses build brand awareness, increase product sales, and more. We start with the customer and work backwards in everything we do, including advertising.

As an Advertising Sales Manager, you will use your experience selling digital advertising solutions to client-side and ad agencies to successfully grow and scale advertising revenues.


  • The Advertising Sales Manager generates advertising revenue via ad agencies and advertisers directly, through led selling advertising solutions.
  • Influence buying decisions to drive increased revenue from existing advertisers as well as new revenue streams.
  • Establishes credible relationships with agencies and advertiser decision makers, in particular in Digital landscape.
  • Maps account strategies, aligning resources and uncovering which of our digital products best serves an advertiser’s needs.

Required Qualifications

  • Education: The Advertising Sales Manager has to have a bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, or any other related field. An equivalent of the same in working experience is also acceptable for this position.
  • Experience: A suitable candidate will also have a proven and successful track record of influencing, meeting, and exceeding advertising sales targets as well as the business’s overall targets set by the business.
  • Communication Skills: Communication skills are an absolute necessity for this position, both in written and in verbal form. The Advertising Sales Manager has to have exceptional communication skills and even stronger negotiation skills in order to influence the growth of the sales volume for the business. Communication skills will be necessary for the Advertising Sales Manager during interactions with existent consumers and prospective consumers in terms of retention and acquisition respectively. Effective communication with the consumers will heavily influence their inclination towards the business and, therefore, influence advertisement sales performance.
  • Technological Skills: A candidate must proficient in the workings of channels such as email, social media, and keep up with any up any upcoming channels.
  • Interpersonal Skills: A candidate for the position must be an excellent team player.
  • People Skills: An Advertising Sales Manager must also have a natural/organic ability to establish lasting and meaningful relationships that will enable him to lure prospective consumers and retain existent ones in the business, leading to constant achievement of sales targets.