Melora Hardin built a career playing women who command a room—Jan Levinson on The Office, Tammy Cashman on Transparent and Jacqueline Carlyle on The Bold Type—but even she wasn’t prepared for the real-life drama of the Los Angeles wildfires. “It’s surreal,” she said on The Daily Beast Podcast, recounting how her home was miraculously spared while dozens of her friends lost everything. “If you have something to give, then give it. And if you don’t, just be compassionate.”
Tuning in from Washington, The Daily Beast’s Chief National Correspondent David Gardner took a break from wading through The Swamp—the “Page Six of politics,” he explained, which is already drowning in tips. (Sign up for the newsletter here.) “Things are changing every day, every moment,” he said of the scene in D.C., whether that’s the now rapid-fire confirmations of even President Trump’s most controversial Cabinet nominations or the apparent confirmation that Elon Musk is serving as the real adult in the room.
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