'Twilight' actor Taylor Lautner is working on a show where he plays himself. Here's what we know about 'Werewolf Hunter.'

The actor who starred as Jacob in "Twilight" plays a "Hollywood actor by day, supernatural warrior by night" in "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter."

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  • Amazon MGM Studios is developing a series where Taylor Lautner is a werewolf hunter.
  • Lautner, known for playing a werewolf in the "Twilight" movies, said he will play himself in the show.
  • Here's what to know about "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter."

"Twilight" star Taylor Lautner is returning to the world of werewolves with a new TV series where he plays himself.

Lautner rose to fame in the late 2000s when he played Jacob, a werewolf and romantic rival to Robert Pattinson's Edward Cullen, in the hit teen franchise, which made $3.3 billion.

But after the series ended in 2013, he struggled to find a new project to match the success of "Twilight."

Now, Lautner is leaning into the "Twilight" nostalgia with "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter." He will play a fictionalized version of himself, balancing being a Hollywood actor and a "supernatural warrior."

On Wednesday, Variety and other outlets reported that Amazon MGM Studios were developing the series, and Lautner and his wife, who is also called Taylor Launter, confirmed the news on Instagram.







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The new series follows in the footsteps of sitcoms like "Bupkis," "The Charlie Puth Show," and "Curb Your Enthusiam" where celebrities play fictionalized versions of themselves.

Lautner's series taps into Hollywood's current obsession with revisiting its greatest hits, leading to remakes and reboots of films and shows including "Harry Potter" and "Gossip Girl."

Netflix is also capitalizing on the franchise. In 2024 it announced it was working on an animated series based on "Midnight Sun," a novel by "Twilight" author Stephanie Meyer, which re-tells the original story from Edward Cullen's perspective.

Here's what to know about "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter," and how it ties to "Twilight."

The supernatural show will give an insight into the actor's struggles in Hollywood.

Taylor Lautner and Taylor Lautner attend the 2024 NFL Honors in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Taylor Lautner in 2024 with his wife Taylor Lautner.

Per a logline shared by Variety, the show will focus on Lautner's years where he "vanished from the spotlight" after "Twilight" wrapped.

Lautner has said in interviews that he hid from paparazzi and "Twilight" fans during this time. After movies he starred in flopped, he took a break from acting between 2018 and 2022.

In "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter," Lautner's disappearance is explained by him joining a secret society of werewolf hunters and becoming a "Hollywood actor by day, supernatural warrior by night."

The logline ends: "Taylor must wrestle with the ultimate irony: fighting the very creatures that made him famous. Between saving the world, reviving his career, and falling in love, he faces the ultimate question—what happens when your biggest role becomes your greatest enemy?"

The directors of "Scream" and "Ready or Not" are behind it.

ready or not movie

Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin's past work is known for being bloody, like "Ready or Not."

A full cast is yet to be released but, aside from starring in the show, Lautner will be an executive producer.

Variety reported that Tornante TV, the production company behind "BoJack Horseman," will produce "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter," while Daisy Gardner, an executive producer and writer, is the creator and showrunner.

Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, the co-directors of "Scream 5," "Scream VI," "Ready or Not," and "Abigail," are set to direct episodes which suggests the show could have horror or gore aspects.

No release date has been given for "Taylor Lautner: Werewolf Hunter."

The post 'Twilight' actor Taylor Lautner is working on a show where he plays himself. Here's what we know about 'Werewolf Hunter.' appeared first on Business Insider