Scouted: Score HP’s Sustainable Smart Printer for $125 Off Right Now

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Buying endless plastic printer cartridges is bad for the environment and your peace of mind. The HP Smart Tank 6001 is designed to address those shortcomings as a more sustainable, high-volume printer with refillable ink tanks. It reduces plastic waste by eliminating cartridges and comes with a two-year supply of ink. That means you can print up to 8,000 color pages or 6,000 black and white pages before you even have to think about enjoying the environmentally friendly refills.

And, the sustainability doesn’t end there. It’s made from up to 25 percent recycled plastic and recyclable ink bottles. It also has an Energy Star certification for energy efficiency.

The post Scouted: Score HP’s Sustainable Smart Printer for $125 Off Right Now appeared first on The Daily Beast